JUMP TONew Money Company APICompanies/EntitiesList all companiesgetCreate a new companypostGet a single companygetRetrieve a company with list of usersgetInvite a user to a companypostEdit an existing companyputGet a list of uploaded documents for the given companygetCash BalancesGet all cash balances for the companygetDisbursementsGet disbursements for companygetGet single disbursement with detailsgetUpdate a disbursementputCreate a new draft disbursementpostDelete a draft disbursementdeleteAdd a payee to a disbursementpostDelete a payee from a disbursementdeleteModify the amount you pay a payee on a disbursementpatchRun a disbursement immediatelypostGet past runs for a disbursementgetInvoicesRetrieve invoices for given companygetRetrieve specific invoicegetPay an invoice to your company from your cash balance/credit limitpostCreate a new invoicepostPowered by Get a list of uploaded documents for the given companyget https://api.newmoneycompany.com/v1/companies/{company_id}/documents