New Money Company Metal Guide

This guide will walk you through all the API calls needed to onboard customers to Metal and push payments to them.

API Details

API is accessible at


HTTP Basic Authentication with company ID as the username and the API key as the password

Onboarding an entity

All entities have a "company" object in our API which is what you will be paying.

Create a new company for your users

POST /v1/companies

  "name":"Company Name",

The response will have a company id that looks like c_afg73r1a which you will use in the following steps.

For individual entities set type to INDIVIDUAL

Invite a user to the company

POST /v1/companies/{company_id}/inviteuser

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "name": "User Name",
  "should_send_invite_email": 1,
  "sending_company_id": "c_4m85nb06"

The sending_company_id is the ID of your company and is available on the dashboard. The company_id in the URL is the ID from the above section

Pay an entity

Create an invoice

POST /v1/companies/{company_id}/accounts/{account_id}/invoices

            "description":"Test Item",
    "note":"Some note to the payor"

The company_id in the URL is the company issuing the invoice and the account_id represents the receiver/payor of that invoice.

To pay a entity, put their company_id in the URL and then your shared account_id and it will invoice you.

To issue an invoice to receive money from a vendor, put your own company_id and the account_id of that vendor.

For more information on creating accounts see below

Pay an invoice from your cash balance

To pay an invoice issued to your shared account

POST /v1/invoices/{invoice_id}/markpaid/fromcashbalance

(No payload)

Other useful API calls

Create a payor to send an invoice to

POST /v1/companies/accounts

 "email": "[email protected]",
 "name": "Some Payor"

View cash balance

GET /v1/companies/{company_id}/cashbalances

View transactions

GET /v1/companies/{company_id}/transactions

View invoice Status

GET /v1/invoices/{invoice_id}

View users on company With KYC / KYB status

GET /v1/companies/{company_id}/users

View all accounts on a company

GET /v1/companies/{company_id}/accounts